How to install and Run Stable Diffusion on your Computer

MR Visual TaleForge needs Stable Diffusion installed locally to work.

You need to install some components to accomplish this :

  1. Python 3.10.6 => This is used to compile the code of Stable Diffusion that is written in Python language. You can download from the python website

  2. Git => This is used to clone the code of stable diffusione and update it in the future. You can download from

  3. On the is the code of Stable Diffusion.. We will take this code using GIT.

  4. On Hugging Face or you can find: Checkpoints => These are file of 2GB or more that contains the model to generate the images. Some are for generating realistic picture, other to generate cartoons, manga, etc. Lora => These are additional files that you can use together with a checkpoint and you need to specify a specific code to use them, some lora are used with a specific checkpoint.

Also is recommended to have an GitHub Account , Hugging face account and civitai account. There are all free.

Installation :

  1. Installing Python (Set the Window Path). You can find many information about this.

  2. Install GIT .

  3. Now you can run GIT CMD, which is a windows command prompt Write some instruction to set the folder where to install Stable Diffusion Select the disk (C: is the default, if you have another disk just write the letter , Example Q: ad enter) Go to the root and write


and press Enter Create the Stable Diffusion folder

mkdir StableDiffusion

and press enter Enter in the folder

cd StableDiffusion

and press enter Clone the Stable Diffusion code, writh this line

git clone

and press enter This will download part of the code, you will have a new folder Enter in the folder with

cd stable-diffusion-webui

and press enter (Leave this windows open)
4) Depending on the disk you will have a folder like this:


(Optional) Inside this folder you can add as many Checkpoint you want.
You can download this file , it is 6GB and put insede that folder with windows Explorer.
If you don’t put this file it will automatically download the model file in the next step.

  1. Now you are ready to run Stable Diffusion Return to the GIT CMD windows and run the command.

and press enter
The first time you run it it will take long because it will install all the components.

At the end of the process you will see that Stable Diffusion is running when opens a Browser windows on

Then you can use Stable Diffusion on MR Visual TaleForge by setting:

MR Visual TaleForge uses the API of Stable Diffusion at

Get MR Visual TaleForge (Books with Stable Difussion + ChatGPT)

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